Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Naked Office

What would it be like to work in an office where everyone worked in their birthday suit? Would they get less work done? More work? I think it would be awesome, but the logistics would require some thought. Where do you get dressed or undressed? Where do you keep your things if there are no lockers? That sort of thing.

Obviously, not every job is one that could be performed in the nude. The nudist mantra, "Nude when possible, clothed with practical" comes into play. I think it would be awesome to have a job where I could spend all day nude. There are several tasks I do in my day-to-day activities that almost always seem to get me wishing I could do them in the nude. Among them are, painting, mowing the lawn, and washing the car. It just seems to make total sense that if something is more practical to do in the nude it should be a no-brainer. Painting is a good example. It comes right off bare skin, but try to get it out of textiles!

Here's an interesting work nude video:

Or how about this commercial from an Irish skin care company:

I'll bet they had a lot of fun filming this one:

Monday, January 28, 2019


I’ve had this picture saved on my iPad for a few years now... I guess it’s time I did something with it! (no, I don’t know those people.)

Yeah, it's a funny picture, but it's too bad that so many people actually do think this way about nudists. As far as I'm concerned, the nudists are the normal ones!

Anyway, I don't let it get to me... I'm just sharing the "funny" part:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Weekend Laziness

A fairly typical start to a Sunday, we had ourselves a great breakfast this morning. After we let it settle briefly, we smoked a bowl of weed that we grew last summer, dropped our robes and headed outdoors into the fog-shrouded morning to soak in the hot tub.

We're lucky here in Washington State. As far north as we are, our climate is pretty mild. Our unique geographical features place the greater Seattle/Tacoma area in between two mountain ranges which keeps temps very mild. Even though, it's still cold this time of year. Here in Edgewood it's currently 40° and foggy. Obviously, that limits outside activities for naked people.

That's why we love our hot tub!

It was so nice to sit out there in the total quiet of the morning, watching Junco's munching on a suet block a few feet away. Nary a sound anywhere, it was so peaceful! We sat out there long enough to get sufficiently wrinkled skin on our hands before getting out. Brenda usually does the "towel and dash" when she gets out of the hot tub so she can get into the house as quick as she can. I'm a little slower. I'm usually bordering on overheated when I get out of the hot tub, so after drying myself off I'm still warm, even though it's 40 degrees out. I went back in the house to get some hot tub testing supplies, and did some chemical testing and treating. By the time I was all finished with that, I was still enjoying myself outside, but I could tell it wouldn't be long before I started to get cold.

We're both still nude--I'm blogging, and she is reading. Let's see if we can stay this way all day!

Friday, January 25, 2019

A History of Shenanigans

When I think back, I’ve been in and out of nudism for much of my life. I just didn’t really realize it at the time. If I even recognized being naked as a desire I never acted on it regularly. Instead, I had years of experiences that I would consider “glancing blows.” In other words, an opportunity might present itself for me to bare myself, then afterwards not much of anything for who knows how long. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some guilt during some of those times, too. After all, there was no public sharing of information in those days other than magazines, newspapers, and television. All literature about nudism was grouped together on the same magazine stands as the filth and smut of the same era. It was hidden from mainstream society just like the nudists themselves were. I had no idea how non-mainstream my thoughts were, or how normal or not. For all I knew I was on my way to being a serial rapist or something. Without any Internet who the hell was I going to learn anything from?

Living in Algona as a young boy provided me with many opportunities to take my clothes off outdoors. In the summer, all we boys wore was cutoff shorts and maybe tennis shoes anyway, so when the urge hit, it was easy to bare myself. I can remember times I would be riding the old interurban road (long ago made into a paved legal recreational trail) on my bicycle and I'd stop and take my shorts off and ride a ways, enjoying the feeling of sun on my body. I've always been the type of guy that wanted to be off on my own, and that desire afforded me lots of times when I would just disrobe and flaunt myself to the sun and sky.

Even as an adolescent I didn’t really dwell on trying finding times I could be naked. It still hadn’t become a "hobby" if you will--it was something that just happened at the right time and place. For example, when I was in high school and would stay home sick I would enjoy being the only one home. I reveled in being able to wander naked all over the house in the nude. I never really knew about nudism--I was just being naughty and having fun! It’s not like I tried to stay home sick as often as I could because of it. As an adolescent, my life was going enough changes that probably failed to recognize that I had leanings in the direction of nudism.

Many, many times through adulthood these same types of shenanigans have repeated themselves. I might be driving somewhere and be overcome by the desire to park and wander in the nude. Maybe was still partly naughty, but I think I mostly just enjoyed the feeling of that sunlight warming me, along with the feeling of breezes flowing between my legs. I've often said I was solar-powered after all! Other times I have driven nude when the notion hit me. One time I drove that way from Bakersfield to Sacramento just because I could. I guess there has always been an off/on desire to be nude that never really got a chance to manifest itself until well into adulthood.

But that's all water under the bridge. Here we are.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The First Post!

Hello readers!

It’s a new blog for me. I have several blogs on blogger already, some of which have years of posts in them, but this one is different.

It’s about being naked!

Let me give you a little background on myself: I’m 62 years old, and my wife is 63 years old today. (Happy birthday, Brenda!) We have been together for 2 and a half years, but married only since May 3rd of 2018. This is my third marriage, her fourth. We both attended school together many years ago, from grades K through 6, at which time we went different directions and lost touch. She was the spunky little redhead I loved to chase around on recess and make fun of in class!

Now, here we are--together again decades later. Interestingly enough, we have both realized how much we both enjoy wearing no clothing whenever possible. We are constantly looking for ways or places that we can enjoy the moment “Au Naturale.”

I really don’t know exactly what is going to show up on this blog at this point in time. Our antics? Our hopes and wishes? Anything and everything about nudism or naturism that catches our attention? Maybe a little of everything? I don’t know. Both of us have had too many experiences on social networks (the most recently being MeWe) where the memberships are largely dominated by males with dicks for profile pictures. Almost every post they ever share has the camera centered on their dick. Now, I have nothing against dicks–mine has been a good companion–I just don’t believe that taking a picture of yourself naked once a day with your morning coffee cup is my brand of naturist. Brenda and I are real people living a real life, and we choose to live ours relaxed and bare whenever practical.

Lets see what happens!
