Sunday, January 20, 2019

The First Post!

Hello readers!

It’s a new blog for me. I have several blogs on blogger already, some of which have years of posts in them, but this one is different.

It’s about being naked!

Let me give you a little background on myself: I’m 62 years old, and my wife is 63 years old today. (Happy birthday, Brenda!) We have been together for 2 and a half years, but married only since May 3rd of 2018. This is my third marriage, her fourth. We both attended school together many years ago, from grades K through 6, at which time we went different directions and lost touch. She was the spunky little redhead I loved to chase around on recess and make fun of in class!

Now, here we are--together again decades later. Interestingly enough, we have both realized how much we both enjoy wearing no clothing whenever possible. We are constantly looking for ways or places that we can enjoy the moment “Au Naturale.”

I really don’t know exactly what is going to show up on this blog at this point in time. Our antics? Our hopes and wishes? Anything and everything about nudism or naturism that catches our attention? Maybe a little of everything? I don’t know. Both of us have had too many experiences on social networks (the most recently being MeWe) where the memberships are largely dominated by males with dicks for profile pictures. Almost every post they ever share has the camera centered on their dick. Now, I have nothing against dicks–mine has been a good companion–I just don’t believe that taking a picture of yourself naked once a day with your morning coffee cup is my brand of naturist. Brenda and I are real people living a real life, and we choose to live ours relaxed and bare whenever practical.

Lets see what happens!


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