A fairly typical start to a Sunday, we had ourselves a great breakfast this morning. After we let it settle briefly, we smoked a bowl of weed that we grew last summer, dropped our robes and headed outdoors into the fog-shrouded morning to soak in the hot tub.
We're lucky here in Washington State. As far north as we are, our climate is pretty mild. Our unique geographical features place the greater Seattle/Tacoma area in between two mountain ranges which keeps temps very mild. Even though, it's still cold this time of year. Here in Edgewood it's currently 40° and foggy. Obviously, that limits outside activities for naked people.
That's why we love our hot tub!
It was so nice to sit out there in the total quiet of the morning, watching Junco's munching on a suet block a few feet away. Nary a sound anywhere, it was so peaceful! We sat out there long enough to get sufficiently wrinkled skin on our hands before getting out. Brenda usually does the "towel and dash" when she gets out of the hot tub so she can get into the house as quick as she can. I'm a little slower. I'm usually bordering on overheated when I get out of the hot tub, so after drying myself off I'm still warm, even though it's 40 degrees out. I went back in the house to get some hot tub testing supplies, and did some chemical testing and treating. By the time I was all finished with that, I was still enjoying myself outside, but I could tell it wouldn't be long before I started to get cold.
We're both still nude--I'm blogging, and she is reading. Let's see if we can stay this way all day!
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