Sunday, September 13, 2020


I don't really like purists, zealots, or similar types of people. The fact that they seem to always have a set of preconceived notions about how someone should be, or how they should look, or how they should act is just something I can't deal with. I've seen several instances of people online holding argumentative verbal exchanges over whether or not someone is a "true" nudist or naturist. Imagine arguing over whether or not you are a "true" naturist just because you're wearing shoes!

We all know that nudism is all about feeling and enjoying the pure air, sunshine, exercise, sunlight, and all the things that go hand-in-hand with baring your body to the elements. It was about people peacefully coexisting with nature whenever they could. I'm totally about that. I love nature, I love animals, I love weather, I love so many things about our world.

Brenda and I both drink and we both smoke pot. Does that mean we are disqualified from being nudists? We consider ourselves to be very much into a healthy eating and appreciating the world we live in. We hardly ever even eat fast food. We recycle, we buy wisely whenever possible, and Brenda even makes our own soaps and skin care products.  It's only fitting that we grow our own pot as well. It's a natural product! Should drinking beer or smoking weed make you less of a naturist or nudist? Of course not.

For the longest time most clubs refused to allow alcohol. It's no wonder considering the bad P.R. that drinking has gotten throughout the world. There has been drunkenness causing problems since the dawn of mankind. Does that mean everyone that drinks is a drunk? Of course not. All nudist parks, without exception, should be family-friendly but that doesn't necessarily mean banning everything right up front. Moderation and discretion.

But why partake in things that are not good for us anyway? Simple: We like them. We're human. Neither of us like to be drunk, but we both like to be pleasantly buzzed. For us, drinking beer and/or smoking weed are just another couple of the many things in life that give us pleasure. It provides us with a certain amount of relaxation, creativity, and enjoyment. We are smart enough to also know not to overdo things. No matter what you partake in, use moderation.

While we were at Nudestock last year I had the opportunity to ask a member of the staff about smoking weed. "We know people are going to do it," she said, "we just ask that you use some discretion. Sit in your car, take a walk--whichever works for you."

There was no incident or issue that caused me to write about this. It was just something that comes to mind from time to time. Brenda and I consider ourselves to be very much nudists, and I don't think we're any less of one because of what we eat, drink, or smoke.

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