Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Modeling a Nude Railroad?

I've recently discovered some interesting nudist items I'd previously not been aware of (probably because I'm not a model railroader) before: Miniature nudist figures and scenes.

An article from the UK I saw recently got me interested in these items, and prompted me to do a little digging. There are all sorts of interesting nudist figures for modelers! They're fairly realistic for their size. When you think about it, it makes sense that stuff like this would be available. After all, there are a lot of people interested in various kinds of modeling, and they tend to build big layouts. When they and create mini scenes of so many kinds--shouldn't nudists be a part? Nudists are a lot more in number than people might think, and their being included just makes sense. I've seen some pretty good model railroad layouts over the years, but I don't recall seeing any with people of the earth enjoying themselves in their birthday suits.

It's about time!

This love van collection is made by Busch, and includes a couple of nudists enjoying a day of nature and music:

Most of what I've found was made by a company called Noch company in Germany. These next two are each a set. I love the peeping tom one:

Pretty much everything else comes from the Preiser/Merten company. There are some great collections of nudist figures, and if you browse around on the web you'll find several websites selling them?

This collection is called Nudist Bathers:

This one is called Couples at the Nudist Beach:

Some interesting stuff available... with some pretty interesting possibilities!

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