Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Painting Nudes... But Differently

I'm a pretty savvy internet sleuth when it comes to using search tools, syntax, spelling, and the like, but here's a challenge: Try to search the internet for nude people painting. Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? That's what I thought until I really tried to narrow things down to specific kinds of content. What I kept getting were pictures of nude paintings... for the most part. The only real deviation I seemed to get from that were people's bodies being painted, like before the World Naked Bike Ride or something.

People are pretty used to groups of people painting a nude person. There have probably been art classes using that setup since the dawn of cave drawings. It might be high school, college, or an art class anyone might attend.

I was looking for the opposite.

A really small one I found somewhere on a compilation website got me started, and I went on the hunt for nudes painting non-nudes. Not literally, because as I said--the search results rarely changed away from nude paintings. I did find a couple of good ones, but pickings' are slim. Maybe it's because they're not candid. Usually, these classes only have one model in them, but in these cases they're all models I'm sure.

A similar category has lot more to enjoy. It's still nude people painting, but instead it's just a nude person painting a picture all by themselves. They are more plentiful, and are also a lot more genuine. I'm not a painter or an artist of any kind, but you'll get no argument from me about painting being more comfortable to do while you're nude... like everything else is!

While it would be nice if we could narrow down search results better I suppose there's not much reason for the search engines to wrap their algorithms around such a small segment of the searchosphere. It keeps the searchers and diggers like myself always reaching and trying. It gives me purpose.

I've got other posts planned around this same topic, but with different varieties, such as nudes painting nudes, nudes painting houses, nude arts & crafts, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

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