Thursday, July 2, 2020

Fun with Nudists

Sometimes I run across pictures that I love and have to wonder what led up to the picture in the first place. That's probably what the lady is wondering in this picture. Did she just "happen" by and saw him? Was he stuck and asked her for help? Did she ask him if he needed help?

Sometimes there is just one little something about a picture that turns it from a totally ordinary one into something that starts the cartoon questions marks flying out of your head.  This picture would be just another typical day at a nude beach except for that one thing: Why are there beautiful white geese on the beach? Then, to carry it a little further: why are they side-by-side and so well-behaved? Maybe they're her pets and she brought them from home to keep the bad people at bay! (Everyone knows how ornery geese can be.)

This next one is a fairly common picture on the internet when you start perusing pictures, but I loved the composition of it the first time I saw it. It captures your eye because the subject matter is drawing you in with the weaving, meandering of the bare buns. Again, there's that one detail: Segway scooters. Seeing one Segway is unusual enough (unless you're wandering San Francisco) but to see a string of them is pretty unique. Maybe it's becoming the new cool "resort thing."

This is obviously show night at a club somewhere, but what a cool idea? Marionette wires on a naked person. Let the dancers do the work.

This picture would be a normal picture on any other day but for one thing: the location. What the hell are they doing with a vacuum cleaner out in the middle of a field? "You see here, Marion, this is the newest thing on the market. Now all we need is electricity."

This picture had me wondering. Is she sending him off to work? If so, from where? Are they camping or at a nudist park? Apparently, she got the good end of the bargain if she gets to stay naked all day. Poor fella. All that chafing...

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