Friday, August 21, 2020

Nude Complacency

Brenda commented this past week on how she just takes clothes off 'without thinking about it' when hot flashes hit. She said she was just sitting there painting with her watercolors, and--without blinking an eye--just started sliding her pants off when a hot flash hit. It occurred to her that she might have become so comfortable that she might just automatically start disrobing when it's not quite clear sailing! It's so automatic and commonplace to be naked around here (especially in August) that we don't even think about it. I only have to get dressed when I take the garbage out, or go check the mail generally. Basically, any time we have to wander past the security boundaries of our patio sun shades or hot tub fencing. If I decide to go outside to check the mail or to putter in the shop, first the shoes go on, then I look around for some shorts or something else to put on. I think I do that because I'm putting off getting dressed for as long as I can, like I'm postponing the inevitable.

So, I wonder if nude complacency is even a proper term? Complacency is basically doing things on autopilot, without concern of the outcome. Blissfully unaware. I'd wager that the term nude complacency could be correct in this instance. I say could because I'm always bastardizing the English language anyway (although I just do it for fun.)

I have always struggled with clothing fitting me to begin with. I have never been able to buy clothes off the rack that would fit me worth a shit because of my lanky frame and long arms. I have always gravitated towards short-sleeved t-shirts for that reason. I don't like to have to think about what I'm doing with regard to dressing properly to suit the instance or expectation. The only time I think about clothes I'm putting on are whether or not the top color "works" with the bottom color. That's probably why the only time I'm ever comfortable while dressed is when I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I have thanked my lucky stars on more than one occasion over the years because I was able to enjoy jobs that had little or no specific dress code for the most part. Except for a few instances where I managed to pull off a barely adequate job of tying a tie for some wedding or something I have been able to avoid wearing suits and ties almost my whole life. Nowadays, I'm either nude or not, and that depends on whether I'm cold or not.

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