Saturday, August 8, 2020

Nudists Do Weird Stuff Sometimes

Brenda and I are both serious introverts. Neither of us feel comfortable in groups of people, and we're both much, much happier at home in the company of only each other. When you're introverted, being thrust into situations with multiple people can be problematic. It takes a lot out of us. Being outgoing and receptive to others during a gathering can leave us sapped of energy and feeling like we need a nap when we get home.

I wonder if the first group nudists went through the same sort of thing. Let's say someone had an interest in nudism and spent a lot of time and energy providing a gathering space for other people with the same interest. They all meet at Joe and Sally's farm because they have lots of space and no danger of discovery by the non-nudist population at the time. After much careful planning, the day arrives and the people show up--some eagerly, some a bit less so--all wanting to experience a nudism with new friends.

What do you do when you're all there? There's no pool, there's no volleyball court--there are none of those things we now consider the Status Quo of nudist parks. Do you all just stand or sit around, all enjoying the feeling of being nude, but wondering, "Okay, we're here... Now what?

Whenever I see pictures like these, I have to wonder if it wasn't something along the same lines as those early group members. Maybe they arrived that day hoping to just sit in a comfy chair in the sun and read a book, but instead were drawn into being group participant.

Again, what do you do? How about leap frog? I mean really--have you ever seen adults playing leap frog? Without drugs or something causing it? It's just not something you see adults doing. Hell, you don't even see kids playing leap frog these days. But... take away the clothing and suddenly the fun meter just went up. Everything if fun if you're naked while doing it! How about a double wheelbarrow race?

What about a hula-hoop? Tired of trying to twirl it around your hips like normal people do? I know--let's just jump over it. I don't remember ever performing feats of daring with a hula-hoop before. I guess that's probably just because I wasn't naked, and it had zero appeal at the time.

A lot of people in the world have never jumped on a pogo stick. If you have, you'd know that they do take a wee bit of balance and practice, so to see two competent pogo-people going down the road naked while holding hands... what's so unusual about that?

Another way to look at nudists doing weird stuff is just the relaxing nature of being naked in the first place. It's a state of mind that allows you to relax and enjoy the little things in life. Blowing bubbles is another thing that you don't see adults often doing, but it's surprising how many times I've seen it at nudist parks. I think bubbles and nudists go together extremely well. It's just got "relaxing" written all over it.

The bottom line: Everything is more fun if you're enjoying it naked, no matter how mundane or simple it is!

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