Friday, August 14, 2020

The Allure of Twister

When I was a kid I got caught up in the hype. TV ads bombarded us with all kinds of toys--especially in the Christmas season. Being the frustrated adolescent I was I was particularly fascinated by all the ads that showed boy/girl interaction, and none drew me in like Twister did.

Being the oldest of 5 kids meant I had to learn everything on my own. Having no older brothers or sisters meant I was the only one responsible for monitoring the media to make sure I was as normal as I was supposed to be. I had to make sure I wasn't missing out on something new and exciting that every other kid in the country was enjoying.

That was the way Twister was portrayed.

I asked Santa for a Twister game that year. I was pretty excited when I actually got it! I couldn't wait to have all the fun the TV ads promised me. You know what though? I didn't consider not having anyone else to play it with except for my brothers and sisters. It was fun at first, but it wasn't like the ads, and was quickly forgotten, relegated to that cobweb-riddled shelf down in the basement where things are mothballed.

Recently, I saw a picture of nudists enjoying a game of Twister. At first I re-lived the whole adolescent story in my mind, and I thought it would be fun like I thought years earlier. But then that cursed adult common sense jumped up on my shoulder like one of those little imps in the movies.
"Do you really want somebody's tender areas that close to your face?" the good side asked.
"What if somebody farts while we're all twisted up!" he continued.
"Someone is going to see something your doctor should have told you about!" he screamed in my ear, desperately.
Totally different than my thoughts of yore.

When I got the idea for this post I thought, thanks to the power of the internet, there would be a multitude of fun pictures of naked people happily enjoying a game of Twister. I was right--partially. When you search Twister attached to any term related to nudism, probably 99.9% of what comes up is just porn--pictures where the whole object of the shot was to display your goods.

I have a few usable shots, but the pickings are slim when your goal is to keep smut out of your blog as I am. Enjoy.


 How about a record-setting mass-Twister-thon?

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