Saturday, June 13, 2020


Sometimes I notice things that other people may not notice. (Of course, to be fair I also miss things everyone else notices.) Recently, I was going through a huge pile of pictures on my computer and ran across the color one below thinking, "Hmm, this picture looks oddly similar to that other one."

A little digging through my files and viola! (pronounce 'wha-la')

I posted the black and white version some time ago as a funny picture, pondering, "I wonder what was going on?"

Blatant plagiarism or "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?" Probably just a case of, "Why reinvent the wheel?"


Here's another interesting one. I first spotted the picture with the elephant in it. (Who wouldn't?) I love black and white photography, and I admired the composition. I was mentally applauding whoever set up the photo shoot for their originality. Then, sometime later I came across the one without the elephant.

"Hey, what the hell?"

That made me examine them more closely, and that's when I saw the obvious bad Photoshop job someone did of pasting the elephant in. You can see the ground in front of it suddenly change. What I found interesting is, the original one without the elephant is almost impossible to find on the internet, whereas the elephant version is absolutely everywhere.

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