Saturday, June 20, 2020

The "Non" Fremont Solstice Parade 2020

Thanks to the Covid19 pandemic, cultural events we are used to attending are largely not happening this year. Millions of people around the world have been shut-ins for much of the first quarter of the year, and not being able to attend favorite cultural events has tended to compound that feeling of isolation for a lot of people. Having to stay away from group gatherings is unfortunate and hard to deal with, but it's necessary. Sports events, restaurants, concerts--even parks--have had to shut down. Add to that growing list the famous Fremont Solstice Parade in Seattle, one of the originals. This marks the 31st year it's been going on, and yet--it's not quite going on...

It's gone "virtual" this year. The annual Fremont Solstice Parade has always happened, rain or shine, but will not be happening this year. Their website states that this year's event, "...will be a compilation program of prerecorded content made of historical archives, ensembles, art, personal testimonies..." among other things. Isn't that weird? A virtual parade. I never thought I'd see the day. Even our beloved painted naked bicycle riders have to be reruns this year.

While I enjoy the hell out of this parade, I've only actually attended one time, even though it's only 45 minutes away from my home. My daughter and I went in 2008 and had a great time. I was fairly new to the camera I was carrying that day, and I found out too late that I had a bit to learn with regard to its camera settings, but I did get a few lucky shots here and there.

Here's an odd story: Several years after we attended I happened across someone else's 2008 Solstice Parade album on the web, and I started looking through their work. Imagine my surprise when I found a picture of me there! You can't see Sarah, but there I am in the back wearing the yellow shirt. That's not all though--When I went back through my own pictures, there was the opposite of the same shot! I'm assuming it was likely the guy in the kilt, but still--what are the odds? By the way everything is lined up it looks like the other shot comes after the gal take about 3 or 4 more steps.

Here are a few more of my not-too-crappy shots to give a little taste of this great event:

You can see how the parade brings out the lucky locals too!

Check out the elaborate head-wrapping gargoyle hat this guy came up with:

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